1. Posts
Posts are said to be the core function of any blog. It is the building blocks of the blog and it is what holds the blog together.
On a blog visitors are allowed to leave comments, if you the owner authorize it, on your posts. It is also a good way for a reader of your blog and you to communicate.
The comment section of your blog also helps drive visitors to your site. The comment section is a very important component of any blog. With a website you do not have to have a comment section.
3. Categories
The category section of your blog is basically where the information from the posts or posted content is organized.
It keeps your site looking neat and well formatted.
It also prevents your blog from looking overcrowded. For bigger Blogs the categories can be organized by month or even topic. There is also usually a search feature that assists the reader to find information on a certain topic quickly. Usually the blog has software that automatically places your posts into various categories.
4. Subscriptions
This is a very important aspect when you want to learn how a Blog works. The subscription features allows readers to become a member of the blog and once they become a member of the blog they can be notified when new information is placed on a blog. This is a great reason to create a blog as it allows you to create an online community on a certain topic.
Some blog sites are now implementing a news letter feature which allows a person to read your information without even having to sign into the site.
As you can see there are some big differences between a blog and a website. The more differences you understand the more you will understand Blogging. A Blog can be a fun and exciting way to meet new people while sharing your ideas, if they are understood correctly.